PPRC’s Goal
The principal goal of the Robert F. Lanzillotti Public Policy Research Center (PPRC) is to foster high-quality, independent research that ultimately improves the design of sound, effective public policy in Florida and elsewhere. The insights developed through creative, objective public policy research can have immediate impacts on current policy makers, and can also help to better train future generations of business and policy leaders.
As the nation’s fourth largest state, Florida must be at the cutting edge of policy development and evaluation, particularly as the federal government transfers significant policy discretion and resources to Florida and other state governments. PPRC, together with other research centers on campus, will help to establish the University of Florida as a leading voice in rational discussions of public policy issues that affect the lives of all of Florida’s citizens.
Independent, university-based research can help policy makers in Florida and elsewhere clarify issues, identify relevant trade-offs, and develop policy options that may ultimately benefit all citizens. PPRC continually strives to develop objective research that will be of value to policy makers.